
Sunday, November 3, 2024

Financial Seeds


Image of bank notes rolled around plants on soil for business, saving, growth, economic concept. Profitable crop production. Earn money in agriculture Image of bank notes rolled around plants on soil for business, saving, growth, economic concept. Earn money in agriculture. Profitable crop production seed bank stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

SeYah is a 501-C-3 nonprofit organization headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, USA

SeYah Overview

There are humanitarian needs in every community across the globe with one thing in common: the lack of funding to meet those needs. 
By the Grace of God, SeYah created a “financial vehicle” to generate and provide funding.
It's a Membership Program based upon...

and funded by, enrolling $30 monthly MEMBERSHIP  BENEFITS PROGRAM

In addition to having access to a "family-friendly TV" (beginning 01-01-25) members receive the following:
a customized website
access to discount travel
access to discount dining
a professional debt analysis

access to faith-based magazines
access to Philanthropic opportunities provided by Business Members (scholarship, grants etc.)
 Plus, other benefits as they become available
And just like when JESUS fed the multitude and there were 12 Baskets of provisions left over…
The program provides (8) Baskets of Funding for individual members and (12) Baskets for Organizations.

individual memberships require a $20 annual contribution into the program (aka enrollment)
plus, a $30 monthly membership.

For their contribution, members receive a customized website to invite others.
Individual Members enroll into the program using a Credit or Debit Card, with the ability to receive enough monthly funding to pay for their ongoing Membership.

Organizational memberships require a $20 annual contribution into the program (aka enrollment)
plus, a $30 monthly membership.

However, Churches and Organizations will be manually enrolled into the Program using an $80 Coupon Code that is provided by SeYah to eliminate the need for a Credit or Debit Card, thus PROVIDING A RISK-FREE ENROLLMENT.  The $80 will be deducted "one time" from their funding.

The Model and Structure is very Simple:

The Program is designed for every Member to enroll a minimum of (3) other Members
who will also enroll (3) other Members and so on, as the Chart below shows.
NOT  1 Member -  NOT  2 - NOT  30 - NOT  300 - NOT  3,000
The Program is designed to provide 8 Baskets of Funding for Individual Members and 12 Baskets for Organizations.
The maximum amount of available funding per member is contingent upon each of their Baskets being filled.
Each Basket contains an algorithm number of members with a multiplier of 3X from one basket to the next basket, to the next Basket, and so on.
This process will result in enrolling thousands of members and eventually millions of members into the Program making $30 monthly contributions to help meet the needs of others, including the member's own needs.

Individual Members receive funding by enrolling members as follows:

Zero (0) Members to receive up to $30 per month from their Basket # 1
This provision provides continuous access to their benefits without having to sell any memberships, plus designed to pay their monthly membership fee.
 (1)  Membership to receive up to  $750  per month from their Baskets  1 - 5
(2)  Memberships to receive up to $2,100 per month from their Baskets  1 - 6
(3)  Memberships to receive up to $7,500 per month from their Baskets  1 – 7

(6)  Memberships to receive up to  $ 15,000  per month from their Baskets  1 - 8

Organizations receive funding by enrolling memberships as follows:

The SAME as Individual Members, plus...
(15)  Memberships to receive up to $ 30,000 per month from their Baskets  1 - 9
(30)  Memberships to receive up to $ 90,000 per month from their Baskets 1 - 10
(60)  Memberships to receive up to $250,000 per month from their Baskets 1 - 11
(120)  Memberships to receive up to $500,000 per month from their Baskets 1 - 12
  • After enrolling into the Program Churches and Organizations would ask their Staff, Volunteers, Congregations, and their Supporters to enroll into the Program to help support their Humanitarian causes and projects.
  • Their Staff, Volunteers, Congregations, and Supporters MUST enroll into the program through the Church or Organization's Website provided by SeYah.
  • Then, their Staff, Volunteers, Congregation, and Supporters would ENROLL their members outside of their Church or Organization to begin receiving Funding themselves.

Next step

If you or your Organization have any questions, please contact Customer Support for assistance. Email:
THANK YOU and may God Bless you so you can be a Blessing to others!
Sow Some Financial Seeds...