American By Birth - Texan By The Grace of God

Lamesa, Texas in the 1950's
Michael Lynn Farris was born October 29, 1939 in Albany, Texas. Mike grew up on a farm in the West Texas town of Lamesa, his hometown.
In addition to the chores on his Dad's farm, he worked for both of his Grandfathers. One Grandfather was a cattle rancher, the other a dairyman.
In addition to the chores on his Dad's farm, he worked for both of his Grandfathers. One Grandfather was a cattle rancher, the other a dairyman.
age 5, Mike got out of bed at 3am to help his dairyman Grandfather. His grandfather milked 40 Holstein cows by hand
twice a day until the REA (Rural Electrification Administration) brought
electricity to the farm in 1946. Mike's job was to
place the cardboard caps on the quart and pint milk bottles... all glass
back then, no plastic or automation. People worked with their hands and
were proud to produce a quality product.
From age 12 to 18 Mike worked on his other Grandfather's ranch every summer rounding up cattle, branding the new calves, and moving herds to new pastures... just like a real cowboy.
Mike moved to Lubbock, Texas his Junior year in High School. Graduated in 1958. Joined the United States Marine Corps, honorable discharge in 1964. Marines do the difficult immediately, the impossible just takes a while longer.
From age 12 to 18 Mike worked on his other Grandfather's ranch every summer rounding up cattle, branding the new calves, and moving herds to new pastures... just like a real cowboy.
Mike moved to Lubbock, Texas his Junior year in High School. Graduated in 1958. Joined the United States Marine Corps, honorable discharge in 1964. Marines do the difficult immediately, the impossible just takes a while longer.
Mike attended the University of Maryland, majored in Journalism. Got married, moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and raised a family. Retired from Allen & McCain Law Firm in 2010 in Atlanta.
Mike's Dad and Grandfathers were the Crème de la Crème... The Best of the Best.
They were honest, hardworking, God-fearing men who taught Mike how to be
responsible for his life.
Mike started with one Super Store in August 2008 and expanded to 15 online stores by 2015. Mike shares the same values in his online business as he learned from his Dad and Grandfathers.
Mike started with one Super Store in August 2008 and expanded to 15 online stores by 2015. Mike shares the same values in his online business as he learned from his Dad and Grandfathers.
Creating residual income is not a mystery, it's a formula. When we reach a point when it is impossible to outlive our
portfolio, life becomes a new and exciting adventure. May all your dreams come true.